Posters commissioned for the Mono Exhibition at London Design Week. First poster was for the Dublin leg of the exhibition listing off all the contributors based on a classic Swiss poster. Second poster is a diagram of the Ali v Foreman fight in Zaire, each arc represents a round in the ring, 180 degrees equals 180 seconds in the ring with a line indicating who threw what punch and when, we watched the whole fight frame by frame to record when each punch was thrown. These two posters and the Muller Brockmann posters were completed while working at Image Now underĀ Aiden Grennelle.
Posters commissioned for the Mono Exhibition at London Design Week. First poster was for the Dublin leg of the exhibition listing off all the contributors based on a classic Swiss poster. Second poster is a diagram of the Ali v Foreman fight in Zaire, each arc represents a round in the ring, 180 degrees equals 180 seconds in the ring with a line indicating who threw what punch and when, we watched the whole fight frame by frame to record when each punch was thrown. These two posters and the Muller Brockmann posters were completed while working at Image Now underĀ Aiden Grennelle.

This poster was commissioned for a campaign that asked designers to name the first piece of design that captivated them. This is the old British rail logo, designed with an optical trick that the logo only appears as you move your head.

Josef Muller Brockmann
Exhibition Posters
Exhibition Posters

Eircom Poster
Poster demonstrating the roll out of broadband all over Ireland, every place name was a town where broadband had just been rolled out.
Poster demonstrating the roll out of broadband all over Ireland, every place name was a town where broadband had just been rolled out.

Eircom Broadband Poster
The map of Ireland made up of interconnected lines that flow into things like a game controller, shopping basic etc as icons of the capability of broadband, originally we did a sketch to get an illustrator to do it but there was no budget so we had to do the whole thing painstakingly ourselves.
The map of Ireland made up of interconnected lines that flow into things like a game controller, shopping basic etc as icons of the capability of broadband, originally we did a sketch to get an illustrator to do it but there was no budget so we had to do the whole thing painstakingly ourselves.

Poster for Paddy Casey
One off poster that Aiden Grennelle from Image Now asked us to do for musician Paddy Casey, Paddy has a distinctive hairstyle, so we went as minimal as possible.
One off poster that Aiden Grennelle from Image Now asked us to do for musician Paddy Casey, Paddy has a distinctive hairstyle, so we went as minimal as possible.

Forty Three Dawson Street
Poster for a proposed eclectic fashion store at number 43 Dawson Street Dublin, the client had an unusual brief, he love minimalism and he loved rococo, he wanted a design that reflected both, we used the font Akzidenz as a template into which we inserted hand drawn floral flourishes, in fact the whole thing ended up hand drawn.
Poster for a proposed eclectic fashion store at number 43 Dawson Street Dublin, the client had an unusual brief, he love minimalism and he loved rococo, he wanted a design that reflected both, we used the font Akzidenz as a template into which we inserted hand drawn floral flourishes, in fact the whole thing ended up hand drawn.